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Fax Broadcasting

  • You want to send more than 250 faxes in the USA or Canada
  • $0.10 per fax for 1 page faxes**
  • $0.13 per fax for 2 page faxes**
  • $0.16 per fax for 3 page faxes or more**
  • Send under 250, for $0.18 unlimited pages
  • NO setup costs
  • NO contract
  • Quickly personalize your fax broadcast by using TTMessenger
  • 200 DPI / FINE resolution used on all our deliveries
  • Manage the fax privately by using our free TTMessenger software

How quickly can I get my broadcast organized?

You can be up and running, ready to send your broadcast in less than 25 minutes. Set up of your TraiTel account should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete through our fully automated web site. Install TTMessenger on your computer will take less than 10 minutes, import your contact list into TTMessenger's phone book another 10 minutes and to click send, well......should take just a second.

It is truly simple to send a broadcast through TraiTel as the process is fully automated and easy to follow. When you sign up, please enter this code into the special offer/code box TTF785ANXBX6341 and also use this code when TTMessenger is first installed so that you will automatically be charged according to our broadcasting prices.

Can I personalize my fax broadcast?

Yes you can. By using our web-based utility, you can upload a CSV file with all your contacts, including any personalized information that you wish to add to your fax and together with your fax document formatted in XML, each one of your faxes can contain any level of personalization you wish. Best of all, the tool doesn't cost extra to use and its very easy to understand. If you want to see what this tool looks like, simply press the log in button on the top right and when the demo account opens, go to Send Fax, then tick the Enable Merge Fax box.

What system does TraiTel use to send my faxes?

Let it be known that faxes can not properly be sent through a VoIP network. Quality business faxes can only be sent through regular phone lines and in our case we use ISDN lines which is the best technology available for sending faxes.

Can I get a better price than 10c per page?

Our pricing is already extremely competitive and combined with TraiTel's quality of service you will be hard pressed to find better value. However, if your volumes are very large (in the 1000's every week) then we will be happy to review pricing as long as you can demonstrate that you're able to commit to the volumes suggested.

What are your allowances for transmission time?

**Most fax pages will take less than 60 seconds to transmit as long as there are no heavy graphics in the document that is being sent. Keeping the document clean with mostly text information will mean that the receiver of the fax will be content with receiving your information and is unlikely to get upset because you have used too much of their fax consumables and tied up their fax line - it also means that your transmission costs will remain as low as we've advertised them. This is why (as a buffer) we provide up to 75 seconds of transmission time for each page (even though the industry standard is 45s). If, however, during transmission the time allocated is exceeded, you will be moved up to the next level until you reach the maximum, being 16 cents.

The price is $0.10 for one fax page with maximum transmission time of 75 seconds, $0.13 if it takes anywhere from 75 to 150 seconds and $0.16 if it is over 150. So if a two page fax takes more than 150 seconds to transmit, the cost will be $0.16. Prices are exclusive of applicable taxes.

Want to know more about our faxing service?

We have lots of information on our eFaxing services which you will find by exploring our web site, however, if you click on the FAX button, you will find a very good summary about how everything works. For more information go to the Company link at the bottom of this page.

Need more assistance and would like to talk to somebody?

You are welcome to contact our sales representatives here.

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